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To: Faculty, staff and students in Vancouver and the Okanagan
As you may be aware, in recent months UBC has sought feedback from faculty, staff and students around the university’s response to sexual assault in the form of a proposed new policy.
Thank you to those who have submitted comments to date. The consultation on draft Policy #131 continues with a series of information sessions. To learn more and register for the Vancouver information sessions on October 12 and 13 visit http://equity.ubc.ca/2016/09/07/sexual-assault-policy-info-sessions/.
For the October 11 information session at the Okanagan campus visit http://equity.ok.ubc.ca/2016/09/07/sexual-assault-policy-info-session/.
We continue to receive feedback on the draft policy and in light of this, together with the recommendations made by the University Panel, we anticipate significant changes which will be communicated as the process continues.
In addition, a small operational working group is considering the University Panel recommendations. This group has already made good progress in exploring a new reporting process with the related infrastructure and resources.
We anticipate that the revised draft policy will be presented to the Board of Governors at the February 2017 meeting. The revised draft will also be shared with the UBC community for further consultation in February.
As I have said in previous messages, engagement is vital. I encourage you to provide comments by October 31, 2016 to the Office of the University Counsel at university.counsel@ubc.ca or through the confidential feedback survey https://survey.ubc.ca/s/sexual-assault-policy/. You can also read the draft policy at
Professor Santa J. Ono
President and Vice-Chancellor