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UBC is implementing a new measure to help limit COVID-19. Effective Wednesday, September 16, 2020, UBC students, faculty, staff and visitors will be required to wear non-medical masks, when indoors on our campuses. This amends the previous policy which strongly recommended the use of non-medical masks in these settings.
The health and safety of the UBC community is our first priority, and we continue to monitor COVID-19 and follow effective safety practices as understanding of the virus evolves. The requirement to wear non-medical masks indoors recognizes that transmission is reduced when face masks are worn in conjunction with physical distancing and other safety practices.
Wearing a non-medical mask is one step you can take to protect yourself, your friends, your colleagues and your community.
The requirement for the use of non-medical masks applies to shared indoor spaces within UBC buildings, such as hallways, stairways, building entryways, washrooms and study spaces, classrooms, common areas in residences and other high-traffic areas. Further details related to the policy, its implementation, and COVID-19 Safety Plans will be posted online next week at https://covid19.ubc.ca/.
Exceptions will be provided for people with underlying medical conditions that inhibit their ability to wear masks. Masks may also be removed when taking part in certain athletic or fitness activities and in situations where wearing a mask impedes delivery and receiving of services. Further details regarding exceptions will be posted next week at https://covid19.ubc.ca/.
Even when wearing a mask, please continue to observe physical distancing as much as possible, as a mask is not a substitute for this practice. For those who are not able to wear a mask, for medical or other reasons, please be careful to maintain a safe distance for the protection of yourself and those around you.
As part of UBC’s commitment to the health and safety of our community, and the responsibility we all share in preventing the potential for COVID-19, students, faculty, staff or visitors are required to follow UBC’s COVID-19 Campus Rules when on campus, such as assessing yourself daily for COVID-19 symptoms and following signage and floor markings when moving around premises.
You are also asked to adopt public health measures such as staying home if sick, maintaining physical distance wherever possible, and frequent hand hygiene regardless of non-medical mask usage. Please refer to information about staying healthy, including advice on identifying COVID-19 symptoms and safety practices such as handwashing, at https://covid19.ubc.ca/health-guidance/. Useful FAQs related to UBC’s response to COVID-19 can also be found at https://covid19.ubc.ca/.
I would like to thank you in advance for your support in following this health and safety practice. By following this new policy, and continuing to adopt public health measures, we can all play a role in helping to limit COVID-19.
Santa J. Ono
President and Vice-Chancellor
This message was sent to faculty, staff and students in Vancouver and the Okanagan.
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