Archives by date

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COVID-19 – Remaining assessments and final exams for all students

If you are a manager of staff whose work is not computer-based, please print this email and display it in a common work area for them to review. Please note that the following message was issued to all UBC students this morning: In light of the growing national response to COVID-19, all UBC students planning […]

COVID-19 – remote working for faculty, staff, graduate students, post doctoral fellows, and student employees

If you are a manager of staff whose work is not computer-based, please print this email and display it in a common work area for them to review. Further to Friday’s UBC Broadcast, I would like to inform you of the university’s measures to support faculty, staff, graduate students, post doctoral fellows, and student employees, […]

Transition to online classes at UBC

As you know, governments and institutions around the world are grappling with the spread and impact of the COVID-19 outbreak. The situation continues to evolve and it has become an unprecedented scenario for the university. Today I am announcing the transition to online classes effective Monday March 16, 2020 for the remainder of the term. […]

COVID-19 – Updated guidance regarding events and travel (correction)

If you are a manager of staff whose work is not computer-based, please print this email and display it in a common work area for them to review. Please note: This message is being resent due to a correction. The date for self-isolation following travel outside Canada is March 12 (not March 13). As you […]

COVID-19 – Updated guidance regarding events and travel

If you are a manager of staff whose work is not computer-based, please print this email and display it in a common work area for them to review. As you know, the COVID-19 outbreak continues to cause concern within our community. This is also reflected in the fast-changing nature of the situation, and the response […]