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In August 2022, UBC launched its search for a new President and Vice-Chancellor. The UBC Board of Governors is responsible for appointing the next President, one of the most important decisions the Board will make in the coming year.
To assist with this process, a Presidential Search Committee has been established in accordance with the requirements of the Presidential Search Committee Guiding Principles and Procedures. It is my privilege, as Chancellor, to chair the committee and work with members of the UBC community to help find our next President and Vice-Chancellor.
The Presidential Search Committee membership is as follows:
- The Honourable Steven Point, Chancellor (Chair)
- Nancy McKenzie, Chair, Board of Governors (Board appointee)
- Kavie Toor, member, Board of Governors (Board appointee)
- Robert Kozak, Dean, Faculty of Forestry, UBC Vancouver (Senator)
- Marianne Legault, Associate Professor, Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies, UBC Okanagan (Senator)
- Sunaina Assanand, Professor of Teaching, Department of Psychology, UBC Vancouver (Elected faculty member)
- Tamara Ebl, Lecturer, Faculty of Management, UBC Okanagan (Elected faculty member)
- Philippe Tortell, Professor and Head, Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, UBC Vancouver (Elected faculty member)
- James Olson, Dean, Faculty of Applied Science, UBC Vancouver (Representative of the Deans)
- Silvia Tomášková, Dean, Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, UBC Okanagan (Representative of the Deans)
- Fred Withers, Chair, alumni UBC Board of Directors
- Eshana Bhangu, Alma Mater Society President (AMS appointee)
- Violeta Fabiani, VP External Relations, Graduate Student Society (GSS appointee)
- Jakson Pashelka, UBC Okanagan Students’ Union President (SUO appointee)
- Gerald Vanderwoude, Assistant Dean, Faculty Operations, Faculty of Arts (Elected staff representative)
Further details about the presidential search process, and updates, can be found on the Board of Governors website https://bog.ubc.ca.
The committee will begin its work in the coming weeks and will be seeking input from the university community regarding the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead, and the qualities that are needed in the university’s next leader. More details will be shared as this process unfolds and I hope you will take the time to share your views.
Tuum est!
The Honourable Steven Point
Chancellor and Chair of the Presidential Search Committee
This message was sent to faculty and staff in Vancouver and the Okanagan.
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