Your invitation to the Chancellor’s installation

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In July, the Honourable Steven Point (xwĕ lī qwĕl tĕl) became UBC’s 19th Chancellor. I would like to invite you to formally welcome Chancellor Point to the university community by joining the virtual Chancellor installation ceremony on November 25 at 10:00am.

This virtual event will include elements of the in-person ceremony that are part of the installation tradition. This includes greetings from both campuses, welcomes and greetings from the Musqueam Band and Okanagan Nation Alliance, greetings from federal and provincial representatives, an installation citation, oath and gowning, as well as an address by Chancellor Point.

Following the installation ceremony, Chancellor Point will preside over UBC Vancouver’s fall graduation ceremony at 2:30pm, which you are also invited to attend.

Chancellor Point is a member of the Skowkale First Nation. He is a double alumnus of UBC with a Bachelor of Laws degree and honorary Doctor of Laws degree, and was the 28th Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia.

UBC’s Chancellor is the titular head of the university, presiding over all major ceremonies, including graduation. The Chancellor confers university degrees and acts as chair of Convocation.

For details about the installation ceremony, including how to join, please visit:

I hope you will be able to join us at this event and welcome Chancellor Point to this important role.

Santa J. Ono
President and Vice-Chancellor

This message was sent to faculty, staff and students in Vancouver and the Okanagan.

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