I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Dr. Arvind Gupta for all of his hard work, dedication and commitment to excellence during his term in office. We are grateful to him for having given so generously of his time and expertise to advance UBC’s scholarship, and wish him every success in his future academic and research pursuits.
I would also like to express my appreciation for being given this opportunity to serve as interim president during this transition period. I will make every effort to further the university’s core purposes of teaching and research during the next ten months while the university searches for its next president.
During this period of transition, it is my intention to build on the foundation that Dr. Gupta established. Together with faculty, students, staff, and alumni on both campuses, I will work to support the initiatives already in progress as well as seize any opportunities that will allow us to advance UBC’s interests and objectives. Our common goal will be to consolidate and advance UBC’s position as a leader in research and innovation, and to ensure that our students continue to be taught and mentored by the best scholars in their respective fields.
Finally, while I know many of you, I look forward to meeting and working with all of you starting September 1, when I assume the position as interim president. As we prepare to celebrate our 100th anniversary, let us remember all the amazing people who have contributed to UBC’s global standing as one of the world’s preeminent public universities. Let us take this year as an opportunity to continue to build upon that incredible legacy and re-commit to creating a university that truly serves the people of British Columbia, Canada, and the world.
Tuum est!
Martha Piper
Interim President (effective September 1, 2015)