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To: Faculty, staff and students in Vancouver and the Okanagan
The term of Professor Deborah Buszard, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Principal of UBC Okanagan, is coming to an end in June 2017. Professor Buszard has indicated her willingness to be considered for reappointment. In accordance with Board policy, an Advisory Committee has been struck to examine Professor Buszard’s performance since her first appointment in 2012 and to make a recommendation to the President concerning her reappointment.
Membership of the committee is as follows:
- Santa J. Ono, Chair
- Catherine Comben, UBCO Senate
- Michael Evans, UBCO Senate
- Shira Sneg, UBCO Senate student rep.
- Maureen Brophy, UBCO staff rep.
- Roger Sugden, Dean, UBCO Faculty of Management
- Michael Korenberg, Board of Governors
- Richard Johnston, Board of Governors
- Herbert Rosengarten, Secretary (non-voting)
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Principal (DVC) reports to the President and provides leadership to the Okanagan campus to accomplish the vision, commitments, goals, and actions as set out in the university’s strategic plan. As an integral member of the university’s senior leadership team, the DVC supports the Board of Governors in exercising their governance responsibilities, and works collaboratively with leadership and management across the university, and with key external stakeholders, to enhance the student learning and research achievement on the Okanagan campus.
The Advisory Committee is entering into a consultative process to determine Professor Buszard’s performance in relation to the duties and responsibilities attached to her portfolio, as outlined in the original job description which can be found at http://president.ubc.ca/files/2016/11/Job-description-Deputy-Vice-Chancellor-and-Principal.pdf.
All members of the UBC community, including students, faculty, and staff, are invited to share their views via email to herbert.rosengarten@ubc.ca, no later than Friday, January 20, 2017. All communications will be held in strict confidence.
I strongly encourage you to participate in this important process.
Professor Santa J. Ono
President and Vice-Chancellor