Archives by date

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IT Alert: Recent fraudulent emails and ransomware targeting UBC

You may have seen the news that the University of Calgary has recently faced a ‘ransomware’ attack (you may also hear this described as phishing, malware, virus, etc.). UBC is subject to malware attacks on a daily basis and at times various types of ‘ransomware.’ These attacks often come in the form of email attachments, or links, that unsuspecting recipients open or click.

New Sexual Assault Policy for faculty, staff and students

UBC’s first Sexual Assault Policy was presented to the Board of Governors People, Community & International Committee today. The committee received the proposed policy for information and the full Board of Governors will review the policy at its meeting on June 14.

Appointment of Senior Advisor to the Provosts on Academic Freedom

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Neil Guppy has accepted the position of Senior Advisor to the Provosts on Academic Freedom. He is charged with leading a system-wide conversation concerning the centrality of academic freedom to our various missions, and to developing educational materials for the university community in the support and protection of academic freedom. 

International 2020: Help renew UBC’s international strategy

As we near the end of our Centennial year, we are excited to announce that UBC is embarking on a renewal of our International Strategic Plan.

Presidential search: final list of candidates

We are pleased to provide a further update on the Presidential search process.