If you are a manager of staff whose work is not computer-based, please print this email and display it in a common work area for them to review. To: Faculty and staff in Vancouver and the Okanagan The university has developed new expenditure guidelines to help everyone improve transparency and enhance stewardship of public funds […]
If you are a manager of staff whose work is not computer-based, please print this email and display it in a common work area for them to review. To: Faculty, staff and students in Vancouver and the Okanagan A large part of the UBC experience centres on it being a welcoming, safe and inclusive environment. […]
If you are a manager of staff whose work is not computer-based, please print this email and display it in a common work area for them to review. To: Faculty and staff in Vancouver and the Okanagan Welcome back for the start of the 2017/18 academic year. I hope you all had a chance to […]
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