COVID–19 — Santa Ono’s address to the community (May 1)

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As part of UBC’s response to the situation regarding COVID-19, I am sharing my regular update — including stories of how our community is coming together.

This week I discuss how UBC is actively planning for the fall term. I also want to reiterate my thanks to our faculty and staff for your continuing commitment to maintaining university operations while we look ahead. And thank you to our students for your commitment and support during this period of transition.

Community engagement remains a key focus, and our students continue to show how volunteering can make such a difference. You can read their stories at I also encourage you to access the mental health supports and resources available — recognizing that the current physical distancing is having an impact in so many ways.

You can find my update, in both video and text format, at As in previous weeks, I am pleased to close with a UBC musical performance in support of #SongsofComfort.

Physical distancing doesn’t mean we have to be socially disconnected from one another, and I encourage you to use technology to check-in with each other. Whether it’s an informal chat, quiz or home-based scavenger hunt — let’s find ways to stay connected during this time.

Santa J. Ono
President and Vice-Chancellor

This message was sent to faculty, staff and students in Vancouver and the Okanagan.

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