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The current term of the President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of British Columbia, Professor Santa J. Ono, expires on August 14, 2021. The board is required to determine, prior to the final year of Professor Ono’s first term, whether it wishes to reappoint him to a second 5-year term.
The Executive Committee of the Board of Governors and Professor Ono have agreed that the President and Vice-Chancellor shall be considered for reappointment. In light of this, a Presidential Reappointment Committee has been established to review the performance of Professor Ono (and the university under his leadership), and provide a report and recommendation to the Board of Governors by July 2020.
The Presidential Reappointment Committee is broadly representative and comprises the following members of the Board of Governors:
- Committee Chair: Michael Korenberg, Chair of the Board of Governors
- Committee Vice Chair: Sandra Cawley, Vice-Chair of the Board of Governors
- Chancellor Lindsay Gordon
Elected members of the Board of Governors:
- John Klironomos (UBC Okanagan – faculty)
- Mark Mac Lean (UBC Vancouver – faculty)
- Jeanie Malone (UBC Vancouver – student)
- Nicole Udzenija (UBC Okanagan – staff)
Government appointed members of the Board of Governors:
- Alison Brewin
- Azim Lalani (appointed to the Board on the recommendation of the Alumni Association)
- Nancy McKenzie
- Andrea Reimer
- Bill Sundhu
To assist in preparing its report and recommendation, the Presidential Reappointment Committee will conduct a broad-based consultation that includes both on and off-campus individuals and organizations. The committee would like to hear from members of faculty, students and staff, on both campuses, all of whom are invited to submit comments regarding Professor Ono (and the university under his leadership), with reference to his reappointment.
The committee will also be approaching student leaders, the UBC Faculty Association and union leaders representing UBC personnel, Indigenous leaders, alumni, donors, business and community leaders, certain Senators, Deans, senior members of the Administration, community leaders, members of government and other post-secondary leaders, to solicit their input.
The deadline for comments is June 15, 2020. Please visit:https://bog.ubc.ca/presidential-reappointment-committee/ to learn more about the process and how to provide your feedback. If you have any questions, please contact Karen Hakkarainen, Secretary to the Board of Governors at board.secretariat@ubc.ca.
We greatly value your engagement in this process.
Thank you very much,
On behalf of the Presidential Reappointment Committee:
Michael J. Korenberg
Chair, UBC Board of Governors
This message was sent to faculty, staff and students in Vancouver and the Okanagan.
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