COVID-19: Update on Public Health Orders

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Over this past weekend, Dr Bonnie Henry issued new Public Health Orders for the Vancouver Coastal Health Region and the Fraser Health Region — which impact our Vancouver campus and learning sites within these health authorities. The orders are in place from November 7 to November 23, 2020.

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What does this mean for faculty and staff?

While many faculty and staff continue to work remotely, some members of our community are working on campus. The updated Public Health Orders reinforce the requirement for all faculty and staff to self-assess daily for symptoms of COVID-19, before arriving at their workplace. Please use the BC self-assessment tool at Anyone experiencing symptoms should follow the guidance provided in the self-assessment tool.

The Public Health Orders have also clarified the need for all UBC COVID-19 Safety Plans to be reviewed, to ensure they clearly reflect the need for daily self-assessment, as well as making sure adequate measures are in place to ensure safety within small office spaces, break rooms and kitchens.

What does it mean for students?

Students taking part in face-to-face classes, and living in residence, are required to complete a daily self-assessment for symptoms of COVID-19. Students are advised to use the BC self-assessment tool at Anyone experiencing symptoms should follow the guidance provided in the self-assessment tool.

Maintaining physical distancing and wearing non-medical masks

The updated Public Health Orders have further reinforced the need for all members of our community to maintain physical distance and wear non-medical masks (where appropriate). As a reminder, UBC students, faculty, staff and visitors are required to wear non-medical masks, when indoors in common areas on our campuses. The requirement for the use of non-medical masks applies to shared indoor spaces within UBC buildings, such as hallways, stairways, building entryways, washrooms and study spaces, classrooms, common areas in residences and other high-traffic areas.

The measures outlined above are already part of UBC’s COVID- 19 Campus Rules. All UBC students, faculty, staff and visitors are required to adhere to these rules when visiting our campuses. Additional FAQs related to COVID-19, and UBC’s response, can be found at

Thank you to all our students, faculty and staff as we navigate this complex situation. Your patience and flexibility, as we work through these changes, are appreciated.

Peter Smailes
Vice-President, Finance & Operations

Rae Ann Aldridge
Executive Director, Safety & Risk Services

This message was sent to faculty, staff and students in Vancouver.

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