If you are a manager of staff whose work is not computer-based, please print this email and display it in a common work area for them to review. I am pleased to announce the July 2020 edition of Letter from Santa, a regular communication to members of the UBC community. In this newsletter, I touch […]
I am pleased to share more details of federal funding programs that are available to support the payment of salaries of research personnel and trainees who have been impacted by lost funds or research interruptions due to COVID-19. The following programs are applicable for research at UBC and affiliated health research institutions: Research funded by […]
If you are a manager of staff whose work is not computer-based, please print this email and display it in a common work area for them to review. As you know, UBC is introducing a COVID-19 safety planning process to allow for a gradual resumption of programs and activities on our campuses over the four […]
If you are a manager of staff whose work is not computer-based, please print this email and display it in a common work area for them to review. As you’re probably aware, UBC has continued on an Integrated Renewal Program (IRP), which will transform our HR, Finance and Student systems and processes. As we approach […]
If you are a manager of staff whose work is not computer-based, please print this email and display it in a common work area for them to review. This past weekend, Michael Korenberg, the Chair of the Board of Governors, informed the Board and the university that he was stepping down after social media interactions […]
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