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Please note: This message is sent on behalf of the UBC Alumni Association (alumni UBC).
Earlier this month, we invited nominations from students, faculty and staff to serve on the Chancellor Search Committee. We are now opening elections for certain positions, as well as putting an additional call out for nominations for open positions.
Chancellor search committee – Elections
Faculty members from UBC Okanagan and undergraduate students from UBC Vancouver are invited to vote for their representatives on the search committee. Elections are open for the following positions:
- One faculty member from UBC Okanagan
- One undergraduate student from UBC Vancouver
For candidate information and instructions on how to vote, visit:https://facultystaff.students.ubc.ca/2023-chancellor-search-committee-elections.
The deadline to vote in this election is 4pm on March 3.
Chancellor search committee – Nominations
We are still seeking nominations for the search committee for the following positions:
- Two faculty members from UBC Vancouver
- One staff member from UBC Okanagan
For nomination forms and eligibility information, visit:https://facultystaff.students.ubc.ca/2023-chancellor-search-committee-elections.
Nominations will close at 4pm on March 6.
Fred Withers
Chair, alumni UBC Board of Directors
Rella Ng
Associate Vice-President, Enrolment Services and Registrar
This message was sent to faculty, staff and students in Vancouver and the Okanagan.
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