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In July of this year I was pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Benoit-Antoine Bacon as the 17th President and Vice-Chancellor of UBC.
Dr. Bacon will take up his role on November 1, 2023. In advance of that date, he will be visiting both campuses to meet UBC’s vibrant community of students, faculty and staff. I hope you will join us at one of the following welcome events:
UBC Vancouver
10.30am on October 18, 2023
Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
RSVP at https://ceremonies.ubc.ca/ubc-community-welcome-to-dr-benoit-antoine-bacon/
UBC Okanagan
10.30am on October 19, 2023
Richard S. Hallisey Atrium, EME Building
RSVP at https://ur.ok.ubc.ca/rsvpcampuswelcome
During both events, Dr. Bacon will say a few words and then mingle with students, faculty and staff in an informal atmosphere over coffee. On behalf of the UBC Board of Governors, please join us at these events and give a warm welcome to Dr. Bacon. For those who are unable to attend, rest assured there will be other opportunities to hear Dr. Bacon and share your messages of welcome over the fall.
Nancy McKenzie
Chair, UBC Board of Governors
This message was sent to faculty, staff and students in Vancouver and the Okanagan.
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