I would like to welcome everyone, new and returning students, faculty, and staff to the beginning of the academic year at UBC. This promises to be a year filled with exciting events and challenges as we celebrate a century of achievement and launch the university into the next 100 years.
I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Dr. Arvind Gupta for all of his hard work, dedication and commitment to excellence during his term in office. We are grateful to him for having given so generously of his time and expertise to advance UBC’s scholarship, and wish him every success in his future academic and research pursuits.
This is to inform you that over the last few days we have had several voyeurism reports from guests staying in the Place Vanier and Totem Park residences.
To: All Students, Faculty and Staff on the Vancouver Campus The results of the transit referendum have been announced: 38.32% Yes 61.68% No Though I am personally disappointed with the outcome, Metro Vancouver residents have spoken and we need to respect the outcome. However, this is not the end of our efforts to ensure that […]
As we approach National Aboriginal Day this weekend, and the start of our Centennial year this fall, we wish to draw your attention to some Aboriginal engagement initiatives at UBC.
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