Launching the search for a new UBC Chancellor

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Launching the search for a new UBC Chancellor

Please note: This message is sent on behalf of the UBC Alumni Association (alumni UBC).

As you are aware, UBC is searching for a new Chancellor as the Honourable Steven Point is stepping down from his role this year.

The Chancellor is the senior statesperson of the university and serves as the titular head. This role advocates for the vision of the university, and plays an essential ambassadorial role in strengthening UBC’s relationship with key stakeholders, alumni and the community the university serves. The Chancellor is the chair of the convocation, confers degrees granted by UBC, and is a member, ex officio, of the Board of Governors, Vancouver Senate, Okanagan Senate, Council of Senates and the alumni UBC Board of Directors. The position is voluntary.

At this stage of the process, we are seeking input from students, faculty and staff. A search committee has been established which comprises:

  • Ross Langford, Chair, Chancellor Search Committee
  • Debra Doucette, alumni UBC Board of Directors
  • Miranda Huron, alumni UBC Board of Directors
  • hagwil hayetsk (Charles R. Menzies), UBC Board of Governors
  • Byron Thom, UBC Board of Governors
  • Heather McCaw, Vice-President, Development and Alumni Engagement, UBC Vancouver
  • Dr. Ingrid Price, UBC Council of Senates
  • Rickey Yada, Dean, Faculty of Land and Food Systems, UBC Vancouver
  • Nemkumar Banthia, professor, Faculty of Applied Science, UBC Vancouver
  • Tamara Ebl, lecturer, Faculty of Management, UBC Okanagan
  • Ray Hua, undergraduate student, Faculty of Science, UBC Vancouver
  • Saami Hafeez, undergraduate student, Faculty of Science, UBC Okanagan
  • Norma Biln, graduate student, Faculty of Medicine, UBC Vancouver
  • Lauren (Ilaanaay) Casey, Educational Consultant: Anti-Racist and Indigenous Initiatives, Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology, UBC Vancouver
  • Steve Brodrick, Associate Director, Residence Life, Student Housing and Community Services, UBC Okanagan

Natalie Cook Zywicki, Associate Vice-President/Executive Director, alumni UBC will act as non-voting secretary to the committee.

To assist the search committee in their efforts, we would appreciate your input on the following questions:

  • What do you see as some of the key opportunities and challenges ahead for the Chancellor in the coming years?
  • What experience and personal qualities would you want an ideal candidate to bring to this role?
  • Any other comments that might be useful to the committee?
  • Any suggestions of potential candidates for this role?

Please email your comments by April 26 to Boyden Executive Search at All responses will be kept confidential.

We strongly encourage you to participate in this important process. Additional information can be found at:

Ross Langford
Chair, Chancellor Search Committee

Fred Withers
Chair, alumni UBC Board of Directors

This message was sent to faculty, staff and students in Vancouver and the Okanagan.

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