
Broadcast e-mail messages targeted to UBC’s Okanagan campus.

Board governance – listening to your views

On behalf of the UBC Board of Governors, I would like to thank all those who attended today’s meeting to share their views about board governance.

UBC Board of Governors meeting – webcast live

The UBC Board of Governors has invited representatives of student, faculty, staff and alumni groups to attend tomorrow’s board meeting for a discussion on governance. In addition to the verbal presentations and discussion at the meeting, the board welcomes additional written submissions to bog.ubc@ubc.ca.

Presidential search: Shortlist of candidates finalized

We are delighted to advise that the search committee, after much discussion and deliberation, has constructed a shortlist of seven excellent candidates. The position profile developed through stakeholder consultation has been instrumental in the evaluation of candidates, and we thank the UBC community for your thoughtful input. As a committee, we have been pleased with the genuine level of interest and optimism expressed by all candidates at the prospect of contributing to the ongoing success of UBC as it enters its second century. We are encouraged by the strength and diversity that is represented in this pool of candidates. The candidates on the shortlist are diverse in terms of backgrounds, academic disciplines, geographic location, university leadership positions held, gender and ethnicity.

Board Governance Update

On behalf of the Board of Governors I am writing to give you an update on actions the Board is taking to address governance concerns raised by members of the university community.

Presidential search: Candidate longlist finalized

I am pleased to provide a further update on the Presidential search process.

Following publication of the position profile for the 15th President and Vice-Chancellor of UBC (http://bog.ubc.ca/?page_id=11433), our consultant Perrett Laver has contacted potential candidates and, as expected, there is significant interest in the position from a large group of highly qualified individuals.