
Broadcast e-mail messages targeted to UBC Students.

New Sexual Assault Policy for faculty, staff and students

UBC’s first Sexual Assault Policy was presented to the Board of Governors People, Community & International Committee today. The committee received the proposed policy for information and the full Board of Governors will review the policy at its meeting on June 14.

Presidential search: final list of candidates

We are pleased to provide a further update on the Presidential search process.

Campus Safety Alert

The RCMP has issued a news release today advising of charges laid against two men in relation to a reported break and enter and sexual assault that occurred on April 30 in the 5700 block of Birney Avenue in Vancouver.

Update on UBC sexual assault policy and action plan

UBC is undertaking several coordinated strategies to improve policies and practices that address sexual assault and sexual harassment in our community. I have highlighted below the actions of two groups working toward this aim: the University Sexual Assault Panel who are gathering input on a UBC-wide sexual assault action plan and the Sexual Assault Policy Committee who are developing a new sexual assault policy.

Board governance – listening to your views

On behalf of the UBC Board of Governors, I would like to thank all those who attended today’s meeting to share their views about board governance.