A few weeks ago, we invited your nominations for faculty and staff representatives to the Board of Governors, as well as Joint Faculties representatives for the Vancouver and Okanagan Senates. Thank you to those who submitted nominations.
I am pleased to announce three appointments within the Office of the President. As you may be aware, in recent weeks we have conducted searches for a Senior Advisor to the President, a Manager, Communications and an Executive Assistant to the President. I am delighted to confirm that the following appointments have been made
The UBC community United Way campaign officially opened in October with a Week of Caring. Information about the campaign is online at http://www.unitedway.ubc.ca.
A few weeks ago, we invited your nominations for student representatives to sit on search committees for several key positions at UBC. Thank you to those who submitted nominations.
You are cordially invited to the formal installation of Professor Santa J. Ono as the 15th President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of British Columbia on Tuesday, November 22, 2016. There are a number of events scheduled throughout the day, including some that will be live webcast.
For more information about UBC Broadcast, including their purpose, who they are sent to, and how to submit a request to send one, please visit the Internal Communications site.