
Broadcast e-mail messages targeted to UBC Students.

Suicide Awareness Day 2016

Suicide Awareness Day 2016

Suicide Awareness Day 2016

To: Students in the Okanagan Each year, a number of UBC students, faculty, and staff consider suicide. Reaching out early and preventing suicide requires the help of everyone in the UBC community. How you can help: Learn about suicide warning signs, find out how to talk about it, and familiarize yourself with available support and […]

Presidential search town halls

To: Faculty, staff, and students in Vancouver and the Okanagan If you are a manager of staff whose work is not computer-based, please print this email and display it in a common work area for them to review. The Presidential Search Committee is entering the significant phase of formulating the presidential position profile, and as UBC […]

Reappointment of the Vice President, Students

The term of Dr. Louise Cowin, Vice President, Students, is coming to an end in June 2016. Dr. Cowin has indicated her willingness to be considered for reappointment for the period July 2016 – June 2021. In accordance with Board policy, an advisory committee has been struck to examine Dr. Cowin’s record and to make a recommendation to the President concerning her reappointment.

Next steps in initiatives related to sexual assault response and prevention

UBC has retained Paula Butler of Butler Workplace Solutions as an independent reviewer to conduct a review of UBC’s response to concerns of sexual harassment and sexual assault raised by some UBC students about a fellow student, which became the subject of media coverage. A report will be ready in February and a summary will be made available to the UBC community.