Archives by date

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Update: Search process for key strategic roles

As we continue through the first term of UBC’s Winter Session, I would like to share the latest updates regarding searches for key strategic roles at the university.

Steering Committee on Sexual Assault

In recent weeks there has been a great deal of dialogue on issues of sexual assault and sexual violence as a result of UBC’s Sexual Assault Policy consultation.

Participate in UBC Thrive: Oct. 31–Nov. 4

You’re invited to participate in UBC’s eighth annual Thrive week, October 31 to November 4.

Message from Professor Santa Ono – strategic planning update

As you may know, one of my main priorities over the coming year is to work closely with the entire university community to develop a new vision and strategic plan for UBC.

Participate in ShakeOut BC: Drop! Cover! Hold on!

Join me and participate in ShakeOut BC. On October 20 at 10:20 a.m., practice “Drop! Cover! Hold on!” in the 2016 Great British Columbia ShakeOut earthquake drill.